Entrance Application
Produced by The Society of Shoe Fitters
For more information contact The Secretary
Tel. +44 (0)1953-851171
Email: Click Here

Have you been measuring feet and fitting quality shoes for many years but don’t have recognition of your skill and knowledge?

Do you feel undervalued and would like to feel more confident about your ability to fit shoes and advise the public correctly?

If you have been measuring feet and fitting shoes for more than 5 years, why not gain the ultimate accolade and qualify as a member of the Society of Shoe Fitters? Don’t panic if you have not put pen to paper since your schooldays and if you are not computer literate, this application is all about you and what you know, your industry experience and your work ethic. Without doubt you will surprise yourself at how straightforward this application is and how much you have learned over the years! Membership of the Society is only via qualification.

Our Entrance Application will take into account your career history and your response to our questions will be purely upon personal experience.

We are very aware that the abilities of people working in shoe shops vary greatly. Many are purely shop assistants with no knowledge of gauges, the physiology of the foot, assessing problem feet, or indeed how to fit correctly, but thankfully there are a vast number of an experienced fitters who know a tremendous amount about all these topics and more. These are people who do the job well and we would be proud to recommend them as members. If you know you do the job to a high standard then this Entrance Application for you!

This Application is based on your experience and knowledge, in addition to answering straightforward questions about the way you pursue your career.

There is no legal obligation to know anything about feet or footwear to sell shoes, but there is a moral obligation! With standards dropping and children’s footwear being sold online without any professional assessment – putting unfair responsibility on parents and adding more problems for the NHS to try and solve, it is time to help fly the flag for fitting and let the public and your colleagues know there is a much better way – qualify as a Society of Shoe Fitters member – M.S.S.F.

You must have measured feet and fitted quality brands for 5 years or more:

  1.  Download the document below without obligation (there is a copyright so it cannot be reproduced further or stored).  If you have any queries, please email our Secretary (you can click the link above).
  2. Complete fully and to the best of your ability.  You need to put considerable effort into the attached to become an S.S.F. member.
  3. Payment must be made with entry.  This is non-refundable.  (If you are unsuccessful and choose to pursue the Footwear & Fitting Course to learn more, we will discount our course fee appropriately as a gesture of goodwill)

Please click here to download: SSF APPLICATION